It’s a cloudy morning. It’s been this way for the past three days. I’m fortunate to reside in Phoenix where most of the days are sunny and bright. So, in my mind I envision the sun rising and warmth outside:


The best things in life: Imagination, inspiration and, above all, love.

So, here’s to the cloudy days and the sunny imaginations.



Lena Jácome

It never dawned on me that I didn’t share these images. I participated in the Fiesta Fin de Verano in San Diego, CA and had the opportunity to meet and work with many wonderful flamenco artists. Below are some images of my time there.


Photos with JM Courtesy of: Juliana Melnishki

Teaching Sevillanas the first day of the festival.


At La Gran Tapa the night before. Pictured with the beautiful and talented Reyes Barrios.




With my student, Heather, after a dance class.

3681_4472003886520_477145799_nPerforming at the festival.




Taking Yaelisa’s dance class. Loved it!


Lena Jácome

Shuvani Studio


Lena Jácome

When The Heart Sings

January 21, 2013


It’s a blessing to think freely. But it’s even more wonderful when your thoughts make your heart sing!

Wishing you a fabulous day!


Lena Jácome

Province 2013 600


Lena Jácome

100% Committed

January 16, 2013


“I am 100% Committed to this.”  — I learned this exercise from a good friend and mentor. I have found that it has helped me in all facets in life. I especially think of this phrase when I’m in the middle of a difficult conversation with someone or I have had a long day of work and there is still more to go.


With regards to work, I remind myself that I chose the work and schedule I have. I remind myself that my present moment is where I ‘want’ to be and I focus on remaining fully committed and fully aware so that I can contribute my full self. Telling myself that I am 100% committed to something reminds me that I am fully accountable for my actions. It has changed a tiring situation into a situation that is inspiring to myself and others…. It has turned my lemons into lemonade.


Lena Jácome

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2 B Aware

January 14, 2013

I am currently a contributing writer for 2BAware. I’ve frequented the site and there is so much helpful and inspiring information on there. I encourage you to visit and let me know what you think!


My articles have been focused more on Healthy Foods and Healthy Living. Other topics on the site focus on Relationships, Self-Awareness, Growth and Cool Science among others.

Here’s wishing you a blessed day!


Lena Jácome

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All You Need Is Love

January 11, 2013

“Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow” — John Lennon



It takes courage to be honest. It takes courage to ask for help. It takes courage to follow your dreams. It takes courage to build healthy relationships. It takes courage to love unconditionally. It takes courage to take risks.  It takes courage to break bad habits. It takes courage to forgive. It takes courage to accept yourself…. and accept others.

Love yourself and take courage.


Lena Jácome

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Missy Elliott

January 9, 2013

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”  — Buddha



I’m not a television watcher at home, but while visiting family recently, I came across an interview of Missy Elliott in VH-1‘s Behind The Music. Prior to the interview, I didn’t know very much about her, other than knowing she is a rap artist. I had limited knowledge of her.

Wow! I am so impressed by her drive and determination. And equally impressed by her ability to overcome obstacles. It was truly an inspiring interview and in watching I feel inspired to work harder in my career. She definitely has a new admirer.

Watch the video: Missy Elliott on VH-1’s Behind The Music


Lena Jácome

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Waky, Waky!

January 7, 2013

Waky, waky, eggy, bacy!


(A little breakfast humor!)


Lena Jácome

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